# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. topic:: Contents
The tnmf module is used to perform task-driven nonnegative
matrix factorisation (TNMF).
It includes the SupervisedDL class, fit and score methods
Created on Wed Jun 29 16:37:28 2016
@authors: bisot, serizel
.. [#] V.Bisot, R. Serizel, S. Essid, and G. Richard.
"Feature Learning with Matrix Factorization Applied to
Acoustic Scene Classification".
Accepted for publication in *IEEE Transactions on Audio,
Speech and Language Processing*, 2017
import numpy as np
import spams
from sklearn import decomposition
import beta_ntf
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, f1_score
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
import random
import time
import copy
[docs]class SupervisedDL(object):
""" Supervised DL class
Task-driven Dictionary Learning with modified algorithm
data : array, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Training data matrix
Needs to be provided if initialization is done in the model
n_components : int
Size of the dictionary
n_labels : int
number of classes
pos : bool, default: True
When set to True, the model is fit in its nonnegative formulation
n_iter : int
Number of epochs on which to run the algorithm
lambda1 : float, default: 0.1
Paramter controlling the l1 norm penality for the projection step
lambda2 : float, default: 0
Paramter controlling the l2 norm penality for the projection step
rho : float, default: 0.001
Initial gradient step parameter
mu : float, default: 1
Regularization strenght of the classifier; must be positive.
Smaller values specify stronger regularization.
agreg : int, optional (default: 1)
In the case classification is done on bags of agreg successive
projections. Every successive group of agreg projections
(without overlapp) will be averaged before classification
init : str, {'random', 'nmf', 'dic-learning'}
Controls the nature of the dictionary initialization.
* Use 'random' for a random initalization of
* Use 'nmf' for intializaing with nonnegative matrix factorization
* Use 'dic-learning' to intilaize with the scikit-learn DictionaryLearning class
n_iter_init : int, optional
Number of iterations for the dictionary initialization
max_iter_init : int, optional
Maximum number of iterations for the classifier initialization
max_iter_inloop : int, optional
Maximum number of iterations at each epoch for the classifier update
batch_size : int, optional
Size of the batch (1 for stochastic gradient)
verbose : int
Set verbose to any positive number for verbosity.
clf : object
D : array
def __init__(self, data=np.asarray([[0, 0]]), n_components=64,
n_labels=2, pos=True, n_iter=1,
lambda1=0, lambda2=0, rho=0.001, verbose=0, mu=1, agreg=1,
init='random', n_iter_init=10, batch_size=6250,
max_iter_init=10, max_iter_inloop=1):
self.data = data
self.data_shape = data.shape
self.n_components = n_components
self.verbose = verbose
self.lambda1 = lambda1
self.lambda2 = lambda2
self.n_iter = n_iter
self.n_labels = n_labels
self.init = init
self.rho = rho
self.mu = mu
self.agreg = agreg
self.pos = pos
self.analysis = np.zeros(shape=(n_iter, 5))
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.max_iter_init = max_iter_init
self.max_iter_inloop = max_iter_inloop
self.clf = LogisticRegression(
C=self.mu, multi_class='multinomial',
solver='lbfgs', max_iter=self.max_iter_init, warm_start=True)
if self.init == 'random':
if self.pos is False:
self.D = np.random.randn(self.data_shape[1],
if self.pos is True:
self.D = np.abs(np.random.randn(self.data_shape[1],
self.D = preprocessing.normalize(self.D, axis=0)
if self.init == 'NMF':
if self.verbose > 0:
print("Initializing dictionnary with beta_ntf")
ntf = beta_ntf.BetaNTF(data_shape=self.data_shape,
n_iter=n_iter_init, verbose=False, beta=2)
self.D = ntf.factors_[1]
self.D = preprocessing.normalize(self.D, axis=0)
if self.init == 'DictionnaryLearning':
if self.verbose > 0:
print("""Initializing dictionnary
with sklearn DictionnaryLearning""")
u_dl = decomposition.DictionaryLearning(
alpha=0, max_iter=n_iter_init)
self.D = preprocessing.normalize(u_dl.components_.T, axis=0)
[docs] def mean_frames(self, X=0, agreg=15):
Averages every successive group of agreg rows in the a matrix
X : array, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Matrix to reduce by averaging
agreg : int
Specifies size of the groups to average
X_mean: array, shape(n_samples/agreg, n_features)
Averaged matrix
return np.mean(np.reshape(X, (X.shape[0]/agreg, agreg, -1)), axis=1)
[docs] def project_data(self, X, agreg=1):
Projects data on the model dictionary
X : array, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Matrix to project on dictoonary
agreg : int
Specifies size of the groups to average after projection
projections: array, shape(n_samples/agreg, n_components)
Projection matrix
alpha_mat = spams.lasso(np.asfortranarray(np.transpose(X)),
lambda2=self.lambda2, mode=2,
alpha_mat = alpha_mat.toarray()
if agreg > 1:
return np.mean(
(alpha_mat.shape[0]/agreg, agreg, -1)),
return alpha_mat
[docs] def predict(self, X):
Predicts labels from a given matrix using the model classifier
X : array, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Matrix to project on dictoonary
y_pred: array, shape(n_samples/agreg,)
Predicted labels
alpha_mat = np.transpose(self.project_data(X=X, agreg=self.agreg))
y_pred = self.clf.predict(alpha_mat)
return y_pred
[docs] def fit(self, X_train, y_train, X_test=np.array([]), y_test=np.array([])):
Fits the model to input training data
X_train : array, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Training data matrix
X_test : array, shape (n_samples_test, n_features), optional
Test data matrix
Usefull only to check performance during development
y_train : array-like, shape (n_samples/self.agreg,)
Target vector relative to X_train.
y_train : array-like, shape (n_samples_test/self.agreg,)
Target vector relative to X_test.
for i in range(self.n_iter):
# Classifier update step #
tic = time.time()
# Project full data on D
alpha_mat = spams.lasso(
lambda1=self.lambda1, lambda2=self.lambda2,
mode=2, pos=self.pos)
tic = time.time()
# Average projections if necessary
alpha_mean = self.mean_frames(
alpha_mat.toarray().T, agreg=self.agreg)
alpha_mean = preprocessing.scale(alpha_mean, with_mean=False)
# Update classifier
self.clf.fit(alpha_mean, y_train)
self.w = self.clf.coef_
self.b = self.clf.intercept_
if i == 0:
# Classifier is initialized on first iteration
# For further iterations, the LR class is only updated on
# 1 iteration with warm restart
self.clf.max_iter = self.max_iter_inloop
# Print current performance #
if self.verbose > 0: # Print the scores
print("Iteration number %i \n" % i)
if X_test.any():
a, f1, = self.scores(X=X_test, y=y_test)
print("""Classification scores on test set:
a=%0.3f f1=%0.3f""" % (a, f1))
a, f1, = self.scores(X=X_train, y=y_train)
print("""Classification scores on train set:
a=%0.3f f1=%0.3f""" % (a, f1))
# Dictionary update step #
draw = range(self.agreg*len(y_train))
nb_batch = len(draw)/int(self.batch_size) + 1
for t in range(nb_batch):
# Select and project a data point
ind = draw[
t*self.batch_size: min((t+1)*self.batch_size, len(draw))]
x_mat = np.transpose(X_train[ind, ])
ind = [x/self.agreg for x in ind]
y = y_train[ind]
alpha_mat = spams.lasso(np.asfortranarray(x_mat),
lambda2=self.lambda2, mode=2,
alpha_mean = alpha_mat.toarray()
if alpha_mean.nonzero()[0].any():
# Step decaying heuristic
rho_t = np.min(
self.rho * (
) / (
(i*nb_batch*self.batch_size) +
t*self.batch_size + 1))])
# Gradient of loss with respect to projections
denom = np.zeros((alpha_mat.shape[1], ))
num_alpha = np.zeros(alpha_mat.shape)
for k in range(self.n_labels):
tmp = np.exp(
np.dot(self.w[k, :], alpha_mean) + self.b[k])
denom += tmp
num_alpha += (np.dot(
self.w[k, :][:, np.newaxis], tmp[:, np.newaxis].T))
d_alpha = (
num_alpha.T / denom[:, np.newaxis]) - self.w[y, :]
# Update D
x_mat=x_mat, y=y, denom=denom,
num_alpha=num_alpha, d_alpha=d_alpha,
alpha_mat=alpha_mat, rho_t=rho_t)
# Print final performance #
if self.verbose > 0: # Print the scores
print("Final model")
if X_test.any():
a, f1 = self.scores(X=X_test, y=y_test)
print("""Classification scores on test set:
a=%0.3f f1=%0.3f""" % (a, f1))
a, f1 = self.scores(X=X_train, y=y_train)
print("""Classification scores on train set:
a=%0.3f f1=%0.3f""" % (a, f1))
[docs] def scores(self, X, y):
Compute classification scores (accurracy and F1-score).
on a given dataset.
X_train : array, shape (n_samples, n_features)
Training data matrix
X_test : array, shape (n_samples_test, n_features), optional
Test data matrix
Usefull only to check performance during development
y_train : array-like, shape (n_samples/self.agreg,)
Target vector relative to X_train.
y_train : array-like, shape (n_samples_test/self.agreg,)
Target vector relative to X_test.
y_pred: array, shape(n_samples/agreg,)
tic = time.time()
alpha_mat = spams.lasso(
lambda2=self.lambda2, mode=2,
alpha_mean = self.mean_frames(alpha_mat.toarray().T, agreg=self.agreg)
alpha_mean = preprocessing.scale(alpha_mean, with_mean=False)
y_pred = self.clf.predict(alpha_mean)
a = accuracy_score(y, y_pred)
f1 = f1_score(y, y_pred, average='weighted')
return a, f1
[docs] def update_D(self, x_mat=0, y=0, alpha_mat=0, denom=0, num_alpha=0,
d_alpha=0, rho_t=0.001):
Updates dictionary
x_mat : array shape (n_features, batch_size)
Input data (batch_size = 1 in the stochastic gradient case)
y : array shape (batch_size, )
Labels corresponding to the input data
alpha_mat : array shape (batch_size, n_components)
d_alpha : array shape (batch_size, n_components)
Gradient of loss with respect to projections
denom : array shape (n_components, )
Gradient denominator
num_alpha : array (batch_size, n_components)
Gradient numerator
rho_t : float
Learning rate
non_zero = alpha_mat.nonzero()
beta = np.zeros(num_alpha.shape)
for i in range(num_alpha.shape[1]):
ind = non_zero[0][non_zero[1] == i]
if ind.shape[0] > 1:
beta[ind, i] = np.dot(
np.transpose(self.D[:, ind]),
self.D[:, ind]) +
d_alpha[i, ind])
elif ind.shape[0] == 1:
beta[ind, i] = np.dot(
1./(np.dot(np.transpose(self.D[:, ind]),
self.D[:, ind]) + self.lambda2),
d_alpha[i, ind])
alpha_mat = alpha_mat.toarray()
d_D = np.dot((x_mat-np.dot(self.D, alpha_mat)), np.transpose(beta))
d_D -= np.dot(np.dot(self.D, beta), np.transpose(alpha_mat))
self.D = self.D - rho_t * d_D
if self.pos is True:
self.D[np.where(self.D < 0)] = 0.0000001
self.D = preprocessing.normalize(self.D, axis=0)