Source code for tgnmf

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. topic:: Contents

    The tgnmf module is used to perform task-driven group nonnegative
    matrix factorisation (TGNMF).
    It includes the SupervisedDL class, fit and score methods

    Created on Wed Jun 29 16:37:28 2016

    @authors: bisot, serizel

    .. [#] V.Bisot, R. Serizel, S. Essid, and G. Richard.
        "Feature Learning with Matrix Factorization Applied to
        Acoustic Scene Classification".
        Accepted for publication in *IEEE Transactions on Audio,
        Speech and Language Processing*, 2017

    .. [#] R. Serizel, V.Bisot, S. Essid, and G. Richard.
        “Supervised group nonnegative matrix factorisation with similarity
        constraints and applications to speaker identification”.
        In Proc. of *2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,
        Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)*, 2017.

import numpy as np
import spams
from sklearn import decomposition
import beta_ntf
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score,  f1_score
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
import random
import time

from sklearn.utils.extmath import (
    logsumexp, log_logistic, safe_sparse_dot,
    softmax, squared_norm)
from sklearn.utils.validation import (
    check_X_y, NotFittedError)
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder, LabelBinarizer

[docs]class SupervisedDL(object): """ Supervised DL class Task-driven Dictionary Learning with modified algorithm Parameters ---------- data : array, shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data matrix Needs to be provided if initialization is done in the model n_labels : int number of classes pos : bool, default: True When set to True, the model is fit in its nonnegative formulation n_iter : int Number of epochs on which to run the algorithm lambda1 : float, default: 0.1 Paramter controlling the l1 norm penality for the projection step lambda2 : float, default: 0 Paramter controlling the l2 norm penality for the projection step rho : float, default: 0.001 Initial gradient step parameter mu : float, default: 1 Regularization strenght of the classifier; must be positive. Smaller values specify stronger regularization. agreg : int, optional (default: 1) In the case classification is done on bags of agreg successive projections. Every successive group of agreg projections (without overlapp) will be averaged before classification init : str, {'random', 'nmf', 'dic-learning'} Controls the nature of the dictionary initialization. * Use 'random' for a random initalization of * Use 'nmf' for intializaing with nonnegative matrix factorization * Use 'dic-learning' to intilaize with the scikit-learn DictionaryLearning class n_iter_init : int, optional Number of iterations for the dictionary initialization max_iter_init : int, optional Maximum number of iterations for the classifier initialization max_iter_inloop : int, optional Maximum number of iterations at each epoch for the classifier update max_iter_fin : int, optional Maximum number of iterations once the dictionnary is learnt batch_size : int, optional Size of the batch (1 for stochastic gradient) lbl : array (n_couples, 2) Unique (class, session) couples (See also [3]_) * 'lbl[:, 0]': class labels * 'lbl[:, 1]': session labels This is equivalent to the attribute 'self.iters['cls']' in GNMF_ ses_train : array (n_samples, 1) Session labels for the data sub_dict_size : int Size of the sub-dictionnaries related to a unique couple (cls, ses) See also [3]_ k_cls : int Number of components that are affected to cls related bases. See also [3]_ k_ses : int Number of components that are affected to ses related bases. See also [3]_ nu1 : float Class similarity constraint See also [3]_ nu2 : float Session similarity constraint See also [3]_ verbose : int Set verbose to any positive number for verbosity. Attributes ---------- clf : object Classifier D : array Dictionnary n_components : int Size of the dictionary dist_ses : array Distance between bases related to the same session dist_cls : Distance between bases related to the same class cst : array Update constraint computed from dist_ses and dist_cls References ---------- .. [#] R. Serizel, S. Essid, and G. Richard. “Group nonnegative matrix factorisation with speaker and session variability compensation for speaker identification”. In Proc. of *2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)*, pp. 5470-5474, 2016. .. _GNMF: """ def __init__(self, data=np.asarray([[0, 0]]), n_labels=2, pos=True, n_iter=1, lambda1=0, lambda2=0, rho=0.001, verbose=0, mu=1, agreg=1, init='random', n_iter_init=10, batch_size=6250, max_iter_init=10, max_iter_inloop=1, max_iter_fin=0, lbl=np.asarray([[0, 0]]), ses_train=0, sub_dict_size=1, k_cls=0, k_ses=0, nu1=0, nu2=0): = data self.data_shape = data.shape self.verbose = verbose self.lambda1 = lambda1 self.lambda2 = lambda2 self.n_iter = n_iter self.n_labels = n_labels self.init = init self.rho = rho = mu self.agreg = agreg self.pos = pos self.analysis = np.zeros(shape=(n_iter, 5)) self.batch_size = batch_size self.max_iter_init = max_iter_init self.max_iter_inloop = max_iter_inloop self.max_iter_fin = max_iter_fin self.clf = LogisticRegression(, multi_class='multinomial', solver='lbfgs', max_iter=self.max_iter_init, warm_start=True) self.lbl = lbl self.sub_dict_size = sub_dict_size self.k_cls = k_cls self.k_ses = k_ses self.n_components = lbl.shape[0]*(k_cls + k_ses) self.nu1 = nu1 self.nu2 = nu2 self.ses_train = ses_train if self.init == 'random': if self.pos is False: self.D = np.random.randn(self.data_shape[1], self.n_components) if self.pos is True: self.D = np.abs(np.random.randn(self.data_shape[1], self.n_components)) self.D = preprocessing.normalize(self.D, axis=0) if self.init == 'NMF': if self.verbose > 0: print("Initializing dictionnary with beta_ntf") ntf = beta_ntf.BetaNTF(data_shape=self.data_shape, n_components=self.n_components, n_iter=n_iter_init, verbose=False, beta=2) self.D = ntf.factors_[1] self.D = preprocessing.normalize(self.D, axis=0) if self.init == 'DictionnaryLearning': if self.verbose > 0: print(""" Initializing dictionnary with sklearn DictionnaryLearning""") u_dl = decomposition.DictionaryLearning( n_components=self.n_components, alpha=0, max_iter=n_iter_init) self.D = preprocessing.normalize( u_dl.components_.T, axis=0) self.compute_cst()
[docs] def compute_cst(self): """ Compute the update constraints based on the distance between session related bases and the distance between class related bases""" lbl = self.lbl cls_card = np.zeros((int(np.amax(lbl[:, 0])), )) cls_sum = np.zeros((int(np.amax(lbl[:, 0])), self.D.shape[0], self.k_cls)) self.dist_cls = 0 for i in range(len(cls_card)): cls_card[i] = max(lbl[lbl[:, 0] == i].shape[0] - 1, 0) ref_sub_ind = np.arange(i*self.sub_dict_size, i*self.sub_dict_size + self.k_cls) for j in np.where(lbl[lbl[:, 0] == i])[0]: sub_ind = np.arange(j*self.sub_dict_size, j*self.sub_dict_size + self.k_cls) cls_sum[i, ] += self.D[:, sub_ind] self.dist_cls += np.linalg.norm( self.D[:, sub_ind] - self.D[:, ref_sub_ind]) ses_card = np.zeros((int(np.amax(lbl[:, 1])), )) ses_sum = np.zeros((int(np.amax(lbl[:, 1])), self.D.shape[0], self.k_ses)) self.dist_ses = 0 for i in range(len(ses_card)): ses_card[i] = max(lbl[lbl[:, 1] == i].shape[0] - 1, 0) ref_sub_ind = np.arange( i*self.sub_dict_size + self.k_cls, i*self.sub_dict_size + self.k_cls + self.k_ses) for j in np.where(lbl[lbl[:, 1] == i])[0]: sub_ind = np.arange( j*self.sub_dict_size + self.k_cls, j*self.sub_dict_size + self.k_cls + self.k_ses) ses_sum[i, ] += self.D[:, sub_ind] self.dist_ses += np.linalg.norm( self.D[:, sub_ind] - self.D[:, ref_sub_ind]) self.cst = np.zeros((self.D.shape)) for i in range(lbl.shape[0]): cls = int(lbl[i, 0]-1) ses = int(lbl[i, 1]-1) sub_ind = np.arange(i*self.sub_dict_size, (i+1)*self.sub_dict_size) D_sub = self.D[:, sub_ind] sub_cst = np.zeros((self.D.shape[0], self.sub_dict_size)) sub_cst[:, :self.k_cls] = self.nu1 * ( cls_card[cls] * D_sub[:, :self.k_cls] - (cls_sum[cls, ] - D_sub[:, :self.k_cls])) sub_cst[:, self.k_cls: self.k_cls+self.k_ses] = self.nu2 * ( ses_card[ses] * D_sub[:, :self.k_cls:self.k_cls+self.k_ses] - (ses_sum[ses] - D_sub[:, :self.k_cls:self.k_cls+self.k_ses])) self.cst[:, sub_ind] = sub_cst
[docs] def mean_frames(self, X=0, agreg=15): """ Averages every successive group of agreg rows in the a matrix Parameters ---------- X : array, shape (n_samples, n_features) Matrix to reduce by averaging agreg : int Specifies size of the groups to average Returns ------- X_mean: array, shape(n_samples/agreg, n_features) Averaged matrix """ return np.mean(np.reshape(X, (X.shape[0]/agreg, agreg, -1)), axis=1)
[docs] def project_data(self, X, agreg=1): """ Projects data on the model dictionary Parameters ---------- X : array, shape (n_samples, n_features) Matrix to project on dictoonary agreg : int Specifies size of the groups to average after projection Returns ------- projections: array, shape(n_samples/agreg, n_components) Projection matrix """ alpha_mat = spams.lasso(np.asfortranarray(np.transpose(X)), D=np.asfortranarray(self.D), lambda1=self.lambda1, lambda2=self.lambda2, mode=2, pos=self.pos) alpha_mat = alpha_mat.toarray() if agreg > 1: return np.mean( np.reshape( alpha_mat, (alpha_mat.shape[0]/agreg, agreg, -1)), axis=1) else: return alpha_mat
[docs] def predict(self, X): """ Predicts labels from a given matrix using the model classifier Parameters ---------- X : array, shape (n_samples, n_features) Matrix to project on dictoonary Returns ------- y_pred: array, shape(n_samples/agreg,) Predicted labels """ alpha_mat = np.transpose(self.project_data(X=X, agreg=self.agreg)) y_pred = self.clf.predict(alpha_mat) return y_pred
[docs] def fit(self, X_train, y_train, X_test=np.array([]), y_test=np.array([])): """ Fits the model to input training data Parameters ---------- X_train : array, shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data matrix X_test : array, shape (n_samples_test, n_features), optional Test data matrix Usefull only to check performance during development y_train : array-like, shape (n_samples/self.agreg,) Target vector relative to X_train. y_train : array-like, shape (n_samples_test/self.agreg,) Target vector relative to X_test. Returns ------- """ for i in range(self.n_iter): # Classifier update step # tic = time.time() # Project full data on D alpha_mat = spams.lasso( np.asfortranarray(X_train.T), D=np.asfortranarray(self.D), lambda1=self.lambda1, lambda2=self.lambda2, mode=2, pos=self.pos) # Average projections if necessary alpha_mean = self.mean_frames( alpha_mat.toarray().T, agreg=self.agreg) alpha_mean = preprocessing.scale(alpha_mean, with_mean=False) # Update classifier, y_train) self.w = self.clf.coef_ self.b = self.clf.intercept_ self. compute_cst() if i == 0: # Classifier is initialized on first iteration # For further iterations, the LR class is only updated on # 1 iteration with warm restart self.clf.max_iter = self.max_iter_inloop # Print current performance # if self.verbose > 0: # Print the scores print("Iteration number %i \n" % i) X2, y = check_X_y( alpha_mean, y_train, accept_sparse='csr', dtype=np.float64, order="C") lbin = LabelBinarizer() Y_binarized = lbin.fit_transform(y_train) yo = np.zeros(shape=(self.n_labels, 1)) yo[:, 0] = self.clf.intercept_ yo = np.concatenate((self.clf.coef_, yo), axis=1) if Y_binarized.shape[1] == 1: Y_binarized = np.hstack([1 - Y_binarized, Y_binarized]) ut = _multinomial_loss( yo, X2, Y_binarized, 1/, sample_weight=np.ones(y.shape[0])) yo = np.zeros(shape=(self.n_labels, 1)) print "Classification costs: ", ut[0] print( "Class distance: ", self.dist_cls, "Session distance:", self.dist_ses) if i == 0: self.nu1 *= ut[0]/self.dist_cls self.nu2 *= ut[0]/self.dist_ses print "Weights nu1 and nu2", self.nu1, self.nu2 self.compute_cst() if X_test.any(): a, f1 = self.scores(X=X_test, y=y_test) print(""" Classification scores on test set: a=%0.3f f1=%0.3f""" % (a, f1)) a, f1 = self.scores(X=X_train, y=y_train) print(""" Classification scores on train set: a=%0.3f f1=%0.3f""" % (a, f1)) # Dictionary update step # draw = range(self.agreg*len(y_train)) random.shuffle(draw) nb_batch = len(draw)/int(self.batch_size) + 1 for t in range(nb_batch): # Select and project a data point ind = draw[ t*self.batch_size: min((t+1)*self.batch_size, len(draw))] x_mat = np.transpose(X_train[ind, ]) ind = [x/self.agreg for x in ind] y = y_train[ind] ses = self.ses_train[ind] alpha_mat = spams.lasso(np.asfortranarray(x_mat), D=np.asfortranarray(self.D), lambda1=self.lambda1, lambda2=self.lambda2, mode=2, pos=self.pos) alpha_mean = alpha_mat.toarray() if alpha_mean.nonzero()[0].any(): # Step decaying heuristic rho_t = np.min( [ self.rho, self.rho * ( nb_batch*self.n_iter*self.batch_size ) / ( 10*( (i*nb_batch*self.batch_size) + t*self.batch_size + 1))]) # Gradient of loss with respect to projections denom = np.zeros((alpha_mat.shape[1], )) num_alpha = np.zeros(alpha_mat.shape) for k in range(self.n_labels): tmp = np.exp([k, :], alpha_mean) + self.b[k]) denom += tmp num_alpha += ( self.w[k, :][:, np.newaxis], tmp[:, np.newaxis].T)) d_alpha = ( num_alpha.T / denom[:, np.newaxis]) - self.w[y, :] # Update D self.update_D( x_mat=x_mat, y=y, denom=denom, num_alpha=num_alpha, d_alpha=d_alpha, alpha_mat=alpha_mat, rho_t=rho_t, ses=ses) if self.verbose > 0: print "Iteration time", time.time() - tic if self.max_iter_fin > 0: alpha_mat = spams.lasso( np.asfortranarray(X_train.T), D=np.asfortranarray(self.D), lambda1=self.lambda1, lambda2=self.lambda2, mode=2, pos=self.pos) # Average projections if necessary alpha_mean = self.mean_frames( alpha_mat.toarray().T, agreg=self.agreg) alpha_mean = preprocessing.scale(alpha_mean, with_mean=False) # Update classifier self.clf.max_iter = self.max_iter_fin, y_train) # Print final performance # if self.verbose > 0: # Print the scores print("Final model") if X_test.any(): a, f1 = self.scores(X=X_test, y=y_test) print(""" Classification scores on test set: a=%0.3f f1=%0.3f""" % (a, f1)) a, f1, = self.scores(X=X_train, y=y_train) print(""" Classification scores on train set: a=%0.3f f1=%0.3f""" % (a, f1))
[docs] def scores(self, X, y): """ Compute classification scores (accurracy and F1-score). on a given dataset. Parameters ---------- X_train : array, shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data matrix X_test : array, shape (n_samples_test, n_features), optional Test data matrix Usefull only to check performance during development y_train : array-like, shape (n_samples/self.agreg,) Target vector relative to X_train. y_train : array-like, shape (n_samples_test/self.agreg,) Target vector relative to X_test. Returns ------- y_pred: array, shape(n_samples/agreg,) """ tic = time.time() alpha_mat = spams.lasso( np.asfortranarray(X.T), D=np.asfortranarray(self.D), lambda1=self.lambda1, lambda2=self.lambda2, mode=2, pos=self.pos) alpha_mean = self.mean_frames( alpha_mat.toarray().T, agreg=self.agreg) alpha_mean = preprocessing.scale( alpha_mean, with_mean=False) y_pred = self.clf.predict(alpha_mean) a = accuracy_score(y, y_pred) f1 = f1_score(y, y_pred, average='weighted') return a, f1
[docs] def update_D(self, x_mat=0, y=0, alpha_mat=0, denom=0, num_alpha=0, d_alpha=0, rho_t=0.001, ses=0): """ Updates dictionary Parameters ---------- x_mat : array shape (n_features, batch_size) Input data (batch_size = 1 in the stochastic gradient case) y : array shape (batch_size, ) Labels corresponding to the input data alpha_mat : array shape (batch_size, n_components) Projections d_alpha : array shape (batch_size, n_components) Gradient of loss with respect to projections denom : array shape (n_components, ) Gradient denominator num_alpha : array (batch_size, n_components) Gradient numerator rho_t : float Learning rate ses : array (batch_size, ) Session labels for the data """ non_zero = alpha_mat.nonzero() beta = np.zeros(num_alpha.shape) beta_sub = np.zeros(num_alpha.shape) n_nan = 0 tot_loop = 0 lr_weight = np.zeros((beta.shape[0], )) alpha_mat = alpha_mat.toarray() alpha_mat_sub = np.zeros(alpha_mat.shape) for i in range(num_alpha.shape[1]): cls_ind = np.where( ((self.lbl[:, 0] == y[i]) & (self.lbl[:, 1] == ses[i])))[0][0] sub_ind = np.arange(cls_ind*self.sub_dict_size, (cls_ind+1)*self.sub_dict_size) ind = non_zero[0][non_zero[1] == i] lr_weight[sub_ind] += 1 alpha_mat_sub[sub_ind, i] = alpha_mat[sub_ind, i] if sub_ind.shape[0] > 1: tot_loop += 1 beta[ind, i] = spams.invSym( np.asfortranarray( np.transpose(self.D[:, ind]), self.D[:, ind]) + self.lambda2)), d_alpha[i, ind]) if np.isnan(np.amax(np.abs(beta[sub_ind, i]))): n_nan += 1 beta[ind, i] = np.zeros(beta[sub_ind, i].shape) beta_sub[sub_ind, i] = beta[sub_ind, i] elif sub_ind.shape[0] == 1: tot_loop += 1 beta[sub_ind, i] = 1./([:, sub_ind]), self.D[:, sub_ind]) + self.lambda2), d_alpha[i, ind]) alpha_mat_sub[sub_ind, i] = alpha_mat[sub_ind, i] if n_nan > 0: if tot_loop/(n_nan+1) < 2: print "Warning nan occurence", n_nan, "total loops", tot_loop d_D = (, alpha_mat_sub)), np.transpose(beta_sub)) d_D -=, beta_sub), np.transpose(alpha_mat_sub)) sub_ind = np.arange(cls_ind*self.sub_dict_size, (cls_ind+1)*self.sub_dict_size) rho_t *= lr_weight/self.batch_size self.D = self.D - rho_t * d_D - self.cst if self.pos is True: self.D[np.where(self.D < 0)] = 0.0000001 self.D = preprocessing.normalize(self.D, axis=0)
def _multinomial_loss(w, X, Y, alpha, sample_weight): """Computes multinomial loss and class probabilities. Parameters ---------- w : ndarray, shape (n_classes * n_features,) or (n_classes * (n_features + 1),) Coefficient vector. X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data. Y : ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_classes) Transformed labels according to the output of LabelBinarizer. alpha : float Regularization parameter. alpha is equal to 1 / C. sample_weight : array-like, shape (n_samples,) optional Array of weights that are assigned to individual samples. If not provided, then each sample is given unit weight. Returns ------- loss : float Multinomial loss. p : ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_classes) Estimated class probabilities. w : ndarray, shape (n_classes, n_features) Reshaped param vector excluding intercept terms. """ n_classes = Y.shape[1] n_features = X.shape[1] fit_intercept = w.size == (n_classes * (n_features + 1)) w = w.reshape(n_classes, -1) sample_weight = sample_weight[:, np.newaxis] if fit_intercept: intercept = w[:, -1] w = w[:, :-1] else: intercept = 0 p = safe_sparse_dot(X, w.T) p += intercept p -= logsumexp(p, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] loss = -(sample_weight * Y * p).sum() loss += 0.5 * alpha * squared_norm(w) p = np.exp(p, p) return loss, p, w def _intercept_dot(w, X, y): """Computes y *, w). It takes into consideration if the intercept should be fit or not. Parameters ---------- w : ndarray, shape (n_features,) or (n_features + 1,) Coefficient vector. X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data. y : ndarray, shape (n_samples,) Array of labels. """ c = 0. if w.size == X.shape[1] + 1: c = w[-1] w = w[:-1] z = safe_sparse_dot(X, w) + c return w, c, y * z