Group-NMF with :math:`\beta` -divergence ----------------------------------------- In [1]_ we propose an approach to speaker identification that relies on group-nonnegative matrix factorisation (NMF) and that is inspired by the I-vector training procedure. Given data measured with several subjects, the key idea in group-NMF is to track inter-subject and intra-subject variations by constraining a set of common bases across subjects in the decomposition dictionaries. This has originally been applied to the analysis of electroencephalograms [2]_. The approach presented here extends this idea and proposes to capture inter-class and inter-session variabilities by constraining a set of class-dependent bases across sessions and a set of session-dependent bases across classes. This approach is inspired by the joint factor analysis applied to the speaker identification problem [3]_. In the following, first the general NMF framework with :math:`\beta` -divergence and multiplicative updates is describe, then we present the group-NMF approach with class and session similarity constraints. NMF with :math:`\beta` -divergence and multiplicative updates +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Consider the (nonnegative) matrix :math:`\textbf{V}\in\mathbb{R}_+^{F\times N}`. The goal of NMF [4]_ is to find a factorisation for :math:`\textbf{V}` of the form: .. math:: \textbf{V} \approx \textbf{W}\textbf{H} :label: nmf where :math:`\textbf{W}\in\mathbb{R}_+^{F\times K}` , :math:`\textbf{H}\in\mathbb{R}_+^{K\times N}` and :math:`K` is the number of components in the decomposition. The NMF model estimation is usually considered as solving the following optimisation problem: .. math:: \min_{\textbf{W}\textbf{H}}D(\textbf{V} | \textbf{W}\textbf{H})\quad\mathrm{s.t.}\quad\textbf{W}\geq 0,\ \textbf{H}\geq 0\mathrm{.} Where :math:`D` is a separable divergence such as: .. math:: D(\textbf{V}|\textbf{W}\textbf{H}) = \sum\limits_{f=1}^{F}\sum\limits_{n=1}^{N}d([\textbf{V}]_{fn}|[\textbf{WH}]_{fn})\textrm{,} with :math:`[.]_{fn}` is the element on column :math:`n` and line :math:`f` of a matrix and :math:`d` is a scalar cost function. A common choice for the cost function is the :math:`\beta` -divergence [5]_ [6]_ [7]_ defined as follows: .. math:: d_{\beta}(x|y)\triangleq \begin{cases} \frac{1}{\beta(\beta -1)} (x^{\beta} + (\beta -1)y^{\beta} - \beta xy^{(\beta-1)})&\beta\in\mathbb{R}\backslash\{0,1\}\nonumber\\ x\log\frac{x}{y} - x + y&\beta=1\nonumber\\ \frac{x}{y} -\log\frac{x}{y} - 1&\beta=0\nonumber\textrm{.} \end{cases} Popular cost functions such as the Euclidean distance, the generalised KL divergence [8]_ and the IS divergence [9]_ and all particular cases of the :math:`\beta$-divergence` (obtained for :math:`\beta=2` , :math:`1` and :math:`0`, respectively). The use of the :math:`\beta` -divergence for NMF has been studied extensively in Févotte et al. [10]_. In most cases NMF problem is solved using a two-block coordinate descent approach. Each of the factors :math:`\textbf{W}` and :math:`\textbf{H}` is optimised alternatively. The sub-problem in one factor can then be considered as a nonnegative least square problem (NNLS) [11]_. The approach implemented here to solve these NNLS problems relies on the multiplicative update rules introduced in Lee et al. [4]_ for the Euclidean distance and later generalised to the the :math:`\beta` -divergence [10]_ : .. math:: \textbf{H}\gets \textbf{H}\odot\frac{\textbf{W}^T\left[(\textbf{W}\textbf{H})^{\beta-2}\odot\textbf{V}\right]} {\textbf{W}^T(\textbf{W}\textbf{H})^{\beta-1}} :label: upH .. math:: \textbf{W}\gets \textbf{W}\odot\frac{\left[(\textbf{W}\textbf{H})^{\beta-2}\odot\textbf{V}\right]\textbf{H}^T } {(\textbf{W}\textbf{H})^{\beta-1}\textbf{H}^T}\mathrm{;} :label: upW where :math:`\odot` is the element-wise product (Hadamard product) and division and power are element-wise. The matrices :math:`\textbf{H}` and :math:`\textbf{W}` are then updated according to an alternating update scheme. Group NMF with class and session similarity constraints +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In the approach presented above, the matrix factorisation is totally unsupervised and does not account for class variability or session variability. The approach introduced in Serizel *et al.* [1]_ intends to take these variabilities into account. It derives from group-NMF [2]_ and is inspired by exemplar-based approaches for the speaker identification problem [12]_. NMF on speaker utterances for speaker identification ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In order to better model speaker identity, we now consider the portion of :math:`\textbf{V}` recorded in a session :math:`s` in which only the speaker :math:`c` is active. This is denoted by :math:`\textbf{V}^{(cs)}`, its length is :math:`N^{(cs)}` and it can be decomposed according to :eq:`nmf`: .. math:: \textbf{V}^{(cs)} \approx \textbf{W}^{(cs)} \textbf{H}^{(cs)}\quad \forall\ (c,s) \in\mathcal{C}\times\mathcal{S}_c\nonumber under nonnegative constraints. .. figure:: NMFutt.png :align: center :scale: 60 % **Fig. 1** NMF on speaker utterances We define a global cost function which is the sum of all local divergences: .. math:: J_{\mathrm{global}} = \sum\limits_{c = 1}^{C}\sum\limits_{s\in\mathcal{S}_c} D_{KL}(\textbf{V}^{(cs)} | \textbf{W}^{(cs)} \textbf{H}^{(cs)})\mathrm{.} :label: beta_glob Each :math:`\textbf{V}^{(cs)}` can be decomposed independently with standard multiplicative rules (:eq:`upH`, :eq:`upW`). The bases learnt on the training set are then concatenated to form a global basis. The latter basis is then used to produce features on test sets. Class and session similarity constraints ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In order to take the session and speaker variabilities into account we propose to further decompose the dictionaries :math:`\textbf{W}` similarly as what was proposed by Lee et al. [4]_. The matrix :math:`\textbf{W}^{(cs)}` can indeed be arbitrarily decomposed as follows: .. math:: \textbf{W}^{(cs)} = \left[\right.\underset{\leftarrow K_{\mathrm{SPK}}\rightarrow} {\textbf{W}^{(cs)}_{\mathrm{SPK}}}|\underset{\leftarrow K_{\mathrm{SES}}\rightarrow}{\textbf{W}^{(cs)}_{\mathrm{SES}}}|\underset{\leftarrow K_{\mathrm{RES}}\rightarrow}{\textbf{W}^{(cs)}_{\mathrm{RES}}}\left.\right] with :math:`K_{\mathrm{SPK}} + K_{\mathrm{SES}} + K_{\mathrm{RES}} = K` and where :math:`K_{\mathrm{SPK}}`, :math:`K_{\mathrm{SES}}` and :math:`K_{\mathrm{RES}}` are the number of components in the speaker-dependent bases, the session-dependent bases and the residual bases, respectively. .. figure:: clssesres.png :align: center :scale: 60 % **Fig. 2** Basis decomposition into :math:`\textbf{W}^{(cs)}_{\mathrm{SPK}}`, :math:`\textbf{W}^{(cs)}_{\mathrm{SES}}` and :math:`\textbf{W}^{(cs)}_{\mathrm{RES}}` The first target is to capture speaker variability. This is related to finding vectors for the speaker bases (:math:`\textbf{W}^{(cs)}_{\mathrm{SPK}}`) for each speaker :math:`c` that are as close as possible across all the sessions in which the speaker is present, leading to the constraint: .. math:: J_{\mathrm{SPK}} = \frac{1}{2}\sum\limits_{c=1}^{C}\sum\limits_{s\in\mathcal{S}_c}\sum\limits_{\substack{s_1\in\mathcal{S}_c \\s_1 \neq s}} \| \textbf{W}^{(cs)}_{\mathrm{SPK}} - \textbf{W}^{(cs_1)}_{\mathrm{SPK}}\|^2 < \alpha_1 :label: cst_spk with :math:`\|.\|^2` the Euclidean distance and :math:`\alpha_1` is the similarity constraint on speaker-dependent bases. .. figure:: clscst.png :align: center :scale: 60 % **Fig. 3** Speaker similarity constraint The second target is to capture session variability. This can be accounted for by finding vectors for the sessions bases (:math:`\textbf{W}^{(cs)}_{\mathrm{SES}}`) for each session :math:`s` that are as close as possible across all the speakers that speak in the session, leading to the constraint: .. math:: J_{\mathrm{SES}} = \frac{1}{2}\sum\limits_{s=1}^{S}\sum\limits_{c\in\mathcal{C}_s}\sum\limits_{\substack{c_1\in\mathcal{C}_s \\c_1 \neq c}} \| \textbf{W}^{(cs)}_{\mathrm{SES}} - \textbf{W}^{(c_1s)}_{\mathrm{SES}}\|^2 < \alpha_2 :label: cst_ses where :math:`\alpha_2` is the similarity constraint on session-dependent bases. .. figure:: sescst.png :align: center :scale: 60 % **Fig. 3** Session similarity constraint The vectors composing the residual bases :math:`\textbf{W}^{(cs)}_{\mathrm{RES}}` are left unconstrained to represent characteristics that depend neither on the speaker nor on the session. Minimizing the global divergence :eq:`beta_glob` subject to constraints :eq:`cst_spk` and :eq:`cst_ses` is equivalent to the following problem: .. math:: \min\limits_{\textbf{W},\textbf{H}} J_{\mathrm{global}} + \lambda_1 J_{\mathrm{SPK}} + \lambda_2 J_{\mathrm{SES}}\quad\mathrm{s.t.} \quad\textbf{W}\geq 0,\ \textbf{H}\geq 0 :label: cost which in turn leads to the multiplicative update rules for the dictionaries :math:`\textbf{W}^{(cs)}_{\mathrm{SPK}}` and :math:`\textbf{W}^{(cs)}_{\mathrm{SES}}`: .. math:: \textbf{W}_{\mathrm{SPK}}^{(cs)}&\leftarrow \textbf{W}_{\mathrm{SPK}}^{(cs)}\odot\frac{\left[(\textbf{W}^{(cs)}\textbf{H}^{(cs)})^{-1}\odot\textbf{V}^{(cs)}\right]{\textbf{H}_{\mathrm{SPK}}^{(cs)}}^T + \frac{\lambda_1}{2}\sum\limits_{\substack{s_1\in\mathcal{S}_c\\s_1\neq s}}\textbf{W}_{\mathrm{SPK}}^{(cs_1)}} {\textbf{1}{\textbf{H}_{\mathrm{SPK}}^{(cs)}}^T + \frac{\lambda_1}{2} \left(\mathrm{Card}(\mathcal{S}_c) - 1\right)\textbf{W}_{\mathrm{SPK}}^{(cs)}}\\ \textbf{W}_{\mathrm{SES}}^{(cs)}&\leftarrow \textbf{W}_{\mathrm{SES}}^{(cs)}\odot\frac{\left[(\textbf{W}^{(cs)}\textbf{H}^{(cs)})^{-1}\odot\textbf{V}^{(cs)}\right]{\textbf{H}_{\mathrm{SES}}^{(cs)}}^T + \frac{\lambda_2}{2}\sum\limits_{\substack{c_1\in\mathcal{C}_s\\c_1\neq c}}\textbf{W}_{\mathrm{SES}}^{(c_1s)}} {\textbf{1}{\textbf{H}_{\mathrm{SES}}^{(cs)}}^T + \frac{\lambda_2}{2} \left(\mathrm{Card}(\mathcal{C}_s) - 1\right)\textbf{W}_{\mathrm{SES}}^{(cs)}} We obtained these update rules using the well know heuristic which consists in expressing the gradient of the cost function :eq:`cost` as the difference between a positive contribution and a negative contribution. The multiplicative update then has the form of a quotient of the negative contribution by the positive contribution. The update rules for :math:`\textbf{W}^{(cs)}_{\mathrm{RES}}` are similar to the standard rules: .. math:: \textbf{W}_{\mathrm{RES}}^{(cs)}\leftarrow \textbf{W}_{\mathrm{RES}}^{(cs)}\odot\frac{\left[(\textbf{W}^{(cs)}\textbf{H}^{(cs)})^{-1}\odot\textbf{V}^{(cs)}\right]{\textbf{H}_{\mathrm{RES}}^{(cs)}}^T }{\textbf{1}{\textbf{H}_{\mathrm{RES}}^{(cs)}}^T}\mathrm{.}\nonumber Note that the update rules for the activations (:math:`\textbf{H}^{(cs)}`) are left unchanged. Download ++++++++ Source code available at Citation ++++++++ If you are using this source code please consider citing the following paper: .. topic:: Reference R. Serizel, S. Essid, and G. Richard (2016, March). “Group nonnegative matrix factorisation with speaker and session variability compensation for speaker identification”. In *Proc. of ICASSP*, pp. 5470-5474, 2016. .. topic:: Bibtex @inproceedings{serizel2016group, title={Group nonnegative matrix factorisation with speaker and session variability compensation for speaker identification}, author={Serizel, Romain and Essid, Slim and Richard, Ga{\"e}l}, booktitle={2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)}, pages={5470--5474}, year={2016}, organization={IEEE} } References ++++++++++ .. [#] R. Serizel, S. Essid, and G. Richard, “Group nonnegative matrix factorisation with speaker and session variability compensation for speaker identification”. In *Proc. of ICASSP*, pp. 5470-5474, 2016. .. [#] H. Lee and S. Choi, “Group nonnegative matrix factorization for EEG classification,” in *Proc. of AISTATS*, pp. 320–327, 2009. .. [#] P. Kenny, G. Boulianne, P. Ouellet, and P. 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